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Patrycja German

  • MAK Center for Art and Architecture 835 North Kings Road West Hollywood United States (map)

Patrycja German

Group XXXI, 2010


Born 1979 in Wroclaw, Poland
Lives in Berlin


Master of Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Karlsruhe, Germany

Selected Solo Exhibitions

- 30. April/ 1. May, 14:00 - 18:00, Collaboration with Holger Endres, private apartment, Berlin

- "stromabwärts," Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck , Austria
- "Lustgewinnung/ Leidvermeidung," Projektraum des Deutschen Künstlerbundes, Berlin

- "A Radish a Day Keeps the Pain Away," Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt, Germany
- "mich auf dich. dicht an dicht," Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck, Austria

Selected Group Exhibitions

- "A step in the arena," Quartier Europabahnhof, Saarbrücken, Germany
- "Summertime," Friesenheimerstraße 14, Mannheim, Germany
- "Was ist schön?" Deutsches Hygiene- Museum, Dresden, Germany
- "Marzanna," Forgotten Bar, Berlin

"Ringen," Cream Contemporary, Berlin
- "Kunst und Öffentlichkeit," 40 Jahre Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Germany
- "Bildschön," Schönheitskult in der aktuellen Kunst, Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe, Germany
- "5 years for friends," Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck, Austria
- "Junge Kunst 2008" (First Prize), Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Kunstverein Ludwigshafen, Germany and Galerie Schlassgoart, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
- "Performance/ Frame," Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt, Germany
- "FREIE WAHL?" Die Formkräfte des Kunstlebens, Nancy-Halle Karlsruhe, Germany
- "Bin ich schön? Venus und andere Ideale in der Kunst vom 16-21 Jahrhundert Kunstsammlungen Veste Coburg, Germany

- "I make no jokes," Galerie Bernd Kugler , Innsbruck, Austria
- "Leibesübungen- Vom Tun und Lassen in der Kunst," Ausstellungshalle der Hochschule der Künste Braunschweig, Germany
Kunstmuseum Heidenheim, Germany
Institute of Contemporary Art-Dunaújváros, Hungary
- "Vollendete Zukunft," Galerie Parterre, Berlin
- "Frauenbilder- Bilder von Frauen," Kunstverein Lingen, Germany
- "Römer V," Stipendiaten der Kunststiftung Baden- Württemberg und der Akademie Schloß, Solitude, Römer, Stuttgart, Germany
- "Patrycja German / Lisa Bidlingmaier," Kunststiftung Baden- Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany
- "Checkpoint Berlin- Videokunst aus Berlin," Villa du Parc, Annemasse bei Genf, Switzerland
- "Hysteria," Strich, Berlin
- "Saar- Ferngas- Preis für Junge Kunst 2008 , Städtische Galerie Kaiserslautern, Germany
Städtische Galerie Saarbrücken, Germany
Galerie Schlassgoart, Luxemburg
Kunstverein Ludwigshafen, Germany
- "En berline ! ...ou les choix de Jean Mairet," Galerie La BANK, Paris

Selected Video Screenings

- "Art-In-Residence," WRO Art Center, Poland
Elsass, France
- "Territory-body, territory as performance," im rahmen von "de-ci, de-la/ media", École Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs Strasbourg, France
- "Week of contemporary Art in Lviv," Center for Urban History of East Central Europe, Lviv, Ukraine
- "Art is a man’s name," Videoscreening, Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin
- "13 Lessons in Performance Art," Topkino , Sixpack, Vienna

- "My favourite pastime," Video Compilation aus der Sammlung des Video-Forums des Neuen Berliner Kunstverein, Germany
Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna
Ursula Blickle Videolounge, Royal Academy of Arts, London, United Kingdom
- "Art is a man's name," In Kooperation mit dem Video-Forum, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Germany

Selected Performances

- "Kartenlegen," on the occasion of "A step in the arena," Quartier Europabahnhof, Saarbrücken, Germany
- "Können Sie mir bitte den Reißverschluß aufmachen?" on the occasion of "Summertime," Friesenheimerstraße 14, Mannheim, Germany

- "1,2,3,4," PerformIC Internationales Performance Festival Innsbruck, Austria

- "About beauty," on the occasion of "Vollendete Zukunft," Galerie Parterre, Berlin
- "Schöne Aussichten", on the occasion of "Patrycja German / Lisa Bidlingmaier," Kunststiftung Baden- Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany
- "Willst du mit mir gehen?," Blow!5, Performancebegegnungen zwischen Deutschland und Singapur, Umspannwerk Illsede, Germany
- "1,2,3,4" on the occasion of "Zeigt her eure Körper, zeigt her eure Seelen," Lothringer13/ Laden, Munich
-" Ich wie ich und du wie du," datanzda anderswo, Rote Fabrik, Zürich

Selected Grants and Prizes

- HAP Grieshaber - Preis

- Saar- Ferngas- Preis für Junge Kunst 2008 (1. prize)

- Kunststiftung Baden- Württemberg

- Graduate scholarship of Baden-Württemberg



László Földényi
Marie Therese Harnoncourt
Alanna Heiss
Hans Weigand
Peter Noever

April 5

Zameer Basrai

April 4

Peter Fritzenwallner