Nico King
Group XLIII, 2016
Born 1984 in Vienna, Austria
Lives in Vienna, Austria
Art, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria
Landscape Architecture, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences BOKU Vienna, Austria
Art, Architecture, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem, Israel
Landscape Architecture, Cornell University, USA
Landscape Architecture, Wageningen Universiteit, The Netherlands
Professional Experience
since 2016
- Artist & Researcher. Feminism, Landscape & Utopia in Israel
- Mediator. Memory Games - Wien Woche Project by Visual Artist Nina Prader
- Research Assistant. Institute of Landscape Architecture (ILA) BOKU Vienna
- Outreach. Wien Museum. Curator-led guided tours and city expeditions
2012 - 2013
- LA Project Assistant. zwoPK. | Researcher. OPK - offenes PlanerInnenkollektiv.
- Assistant. X-LArch IV: LANDSCAPE 100. Conference by ILA + ÖGLA
- Editorial Trainee. dérive - Magazine for Urban Research
- Studio Assistant. atelier le balto, Berlin
2010 - 2011
- Teaching Assistant. Research Methodologies of Social Sciences for Landscape Architecture
- Participant. Salzburg International Academy of Fine Arts. Workshop with atelier le balto
2009 - 2010
- Teaching Assistant. Digital Visualization Techniques (3ds Max and Visual Nature Studio)
- Participant. Workshop w/ Angelika Fitz. “Bellevue Citydating - Relationships on the Highway”
- Conference Staffer. X-LArch III: LANDSCAPE - GREAT IDEA! Conference by ILA + ÖGLA
- Assistant. Design Workshop with key-speaker Helen Armstrong at X-LArch III
- Graduation Exhibition, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria
- “Think Global, Build Social. Architectures for a Better World,” Vienna Architecture Center Az W, Vienna, Austria
- “Architectures and Archeologies of the Production Landscapes 2001>2011,” IUAV, Venice, Italy
- “Ausstellung der Int. Sommerakademie der Bildenden Künste Salzburg,” Alte Saline, Hallein, Austria
- “BELLEVUE STÄDTEDATING – Beziehungen auf der Autobahn,” Das gelbe Haus, Linz, Austria
- “As Artes no Jardim/Art in the Garden,” International Garden Festival, Ponte de Lima, Portugal
- "Kunst. Landschaft. Architektur." raumimpuls, Waidhofen/Ybbs, Austria
Curated Exhibitions
- “WIG 64 - Die grüne Nachkriegsmoderne,” Museum der Geschichte der Stadt Wien, Vienna, Austria
- “Sabelo Mlangeni: Postapart/heid Communities,” Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria
- “BELLEVUE STÄDTEDATING – Beziehungen auf der Autobahn,” Das gelbe Haus, Linz, Austria
Grants and Awards
- Cultural Department of the City of Vienna MA7, thesis scholarship
- UdK Berlin Summer University of the Arts, scholarship
- Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, project grant: partial funding of Master’s project and field study in Israel
- BOKU Vienna, research scholarship to support Master’s Thesis trip to Johannesburg
- Culture Fund of Salzburg, scholarship to participate in the Summer Academy of Fine Arts
- Cornell University / BOKU Vienna, tuition waiver for joint study waiver
Selected Publications*
*Publications prior to 2016 bear former family name Raab
- Denkmalwürdiger Park ohne Denkmalschutz. Lilli Lička, Nicole Theresa Raab, Ulrike Krippner, in: Garten + Landschaft 2/2015, Munich: Callwey.
- The Wilderness Downtown. The Indeterminate Nature of Johannesburg’s Mine Dumps. Nicole Theresa Raab, edited by Christiane Sörensen, Karin Liedtke: SPECIFICS. Discussing Landscape Architecture; Berlin: jovis.
- “Let’s get down to some serious training”. Jakob Krameritsch, Nicole Theresa Raab, Johannes Siegmund, in: Sabelo Mlangeni. Postapart/heid Communities, Catalog; Vienna: Academy of Fine Arts.
- Das Wunder von Wien. Mediale Sentimente und Sensationen einer Gartenschau. Nicole Theresa Raab, edited by Ulrike Krippner, Lilli Lička, Martina Nußbaumer: WIG 64. Die grüne Nachkriegsmoderne; Vienna: Metroverlag.
- Blütenträume aus der Pflanzenfabrik. Der moderne Freizeitgarten im Spiegel der WIG 64. Nicole Theresa Raab, edited by Ulrike Krippner, Lilli Lička, Martina Nußbaumer: WIG 64. Die grüne Nachkriegsmoderne; Vienna: Metroverlag.
-Looking for Gold. Mapping the Johannesburg Gold Mine Dumps into the Contemporary Urban Condition. IUAV Giornale dell’Ateneo, Venice.
- [YOUR] RIGHT TO THE CITY. Recht und öffentlicher Raum. Edited by Nicole Theresa Raab [Managing Editor] Willi Hejda, Karin Held, Elke Rauth. dérive - Verein für Stadtforschung, self-published, Vienna.
- Incursões de Êxtase/Raids of Bliss. In: As Artes no Jardim/Art in the Garden. Catalog for the Fifth International Garden Festival in Ponte de Lima.
Andreas Fogarasi
Gabu Heindl
Catrin Lorch
Beatrix Ruf
Christoph Thun-Hohenstein