MAK Architecture Tour 2005
As part of programming related to the publication of Schindler by MAK, the MAK Architecture Tour focused specifically on R.M. Schindler, and included an array of relevant houses.
MAK Day 2005: What Makes a Building Stay Alive?
On R.M. Schindler’s birthday, the MAK Center dedicated its free community day to presentations and discussions on the themes of contemporary life, architecture, preservation, and the future.
sound. at the Schindler House 2005: Scores Composed for the Moving Image II
The MAK Center in collaboration with the Society for the Activation of Social Space through Art and Sound (SASSAS) presented the 2005 sound. concerts at the Schindler House.
sound. at the Schindler House 2005: Scores Composed for the Moving Image I
The MAK Center in collaboration with the Society for the Activation of Social Space through Art and Sound (SASSAS) presented the 2005 sound. concerts at the Schindler House.
sound. at the Schindler House 2005: Kelan Philip Cohran
The MAK Center in collaboration with the Society for the Activation of Social Space through Art and Sound (SASSAS) presented the 2005 sound. concerts at the Schindler House.
Schindler by MAK
In celebration of its 10 year anniversary, the MAK Center for Art and Architecture has published an updated guide to famed architect Rudolph Schindler’s Los Angeles, entitled Schindler By MAK.