Image courtesy of Peter Trummer Architects.
The Austrian Consulate General and MAK Center Los Angeles will be hosting a reception, presentation, and panel discussion on Friday November 22nd from 5:30pm to 8:00pm in celebration of the ongoing exhibition at the Austrian Cultural Forum New York titled Resident Alien: Austrian Architects in America curated by Cal Poly professors Stephen Phillips (SPARCHS) and Axel Schmitzberger (Domaen).
Resident Alien celebrates the contributions of Austrian-American architects in the United States since the modernist period. The emphasis of this show is on a new group of Austrian-American architects and their contemporary work, alongside an historical recounting of some of the major figures since Adolf Loos that have immigrated to America or made careers and built important buildings here in the United States. The exhibition supports the positive contribution immigrants make to American culture, while exploring bi-cultural heritage and the contemporary global spaces of the in-between among other formal architectural themes. Cataloged into five gallery spaces: Primitive Domains, Aggregate Families, Urban Terrestrials, Cloud Natures, and, Media Atmospheres — across a range of scales – Resident Alien focuses on concepts of networked-global intelligence that has freed architects to borrow, reference, rework, and reinterpret past architectural inquiries while generating innovative ideas and practices relevant to the technology and culture of ambitious contemporary design.
For more information on Resident Alien, please visit the Austrian Cultural Forum of New York.
This program is presented with the support of the Austrian Consulate General.